Infographic: 11 Amazing Hacks That will Boost Your Organic CTRs

11 Amazing Hacks That will Boost Your Organic CTRs

Got great content and rankings, but still not getting clicks from organic search? Columnist Larry Kim shares tips and a fantastic infographic on how to improve your organic click-through rates.

Infographic: 11 Amazing Hacks That will Boost Your Organic Click-Through Rates

Now that you’ve seen the infographic, here are some bonus insights on these subjects that we didn’t have room for.
  1. Identify your content with the lowest CTR
  2. Avoid keyword-focused titles
  3. Use emotional triggers
  4. Write in persona
  5. Use a numbered list
  6. A proven formula for super-clickable headlines
  7. Add power words to your description
  8. Use descriptive URLs
  9. Try out many DIFFERENT headlines
  10. Audition your headline ideas with Google AdWords
  11. Test your headline ideas with Facebook posts

15 of Google’s Limits You May Not Know Exist

Do not get caught off guard by limitations you didn't know about! Columnist Patrick Stox shares 20 Google limitations that may affect SEO  (Search Engine Optimization) efforts.

15 of Google’s Limits You May Not Know Exist

Google has many different tools, and keeping in mind that they handle massive amounts of data, even Google has its limits. Here are some of the limits you may eventually run into.
  • You can add up to 1,000 properties in Google Search Console
  • Google Search Console will show up to 200 site maps
  • Disavow file size has a limit of 2MB and 100,000 URLs
  • Render in Google Search Console cuts off at 10,000 pixels
  • Google My Business allows 100 characters in a business name
  • 10 million hits per month per property in GA (Google Analytics)
  • Robots.txt max size is 500KB
  • Sitemaps are limited to 50MB (uncompressed) and 50,000 URLs
  • Google’s crawl limit per page is a couple hundred MBs
  • Keep the number of links on a page to a few thousand at most
  • 5 redirect hops at one time
  • Google search limits to 32 words
  • 16 words on alt text
  • YouTube maximum upload size is 128 GB or 12 hours
  • Google Keyword Planner limits you to 700