Showing posts with label Types of Online Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Types of Online Business. Show all posts

7 E-commerce SEO Trends we’re seeing in 2016

For those managing search engine optimization for e-commerce websites, contributor Jayson DeMers has some advice for what to focus on to stay ahead of the competition.

7 E-commerce SEO Trends we’re seeing in 2016

Number of types of online business can usually benefit from Search Engine Optimization more than e-commerce websites that allow for direct consumer dealings. Not only can you secure more web traffic, you can also optimize specific product webpages to funnel visitors your most profitable or popular pages.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of seven important SEO trends in the e-commerce industry you should be paying attention to:
  1. Out-of-the-box SEO is better than ever
  2. Long-form content is crucial
  3. Sharability is key
  4. Video content is outperforming pretty much every other kind of content
  5. Mobile optimization is now absolutely critical
  6. Voice search and digital assistants are gaining popularity and usage
  7. Local results are becoming more prominent
Final thoughts
Keep close track of these 7 trends to ensure that your marketing campaign remains relevant and noticeable in the modern time. Depending on your goals and how heavy a role SEO plays in your overall business development, the recommendations above should take a top priority in your marketing spend.

For more information visit Search Engine Land for the full article.